Building & House Inspections Adelaide

Super-fast, fully accredited building inspectors.

Building & House Inspections Adelaide Services

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Building and Pest

We ensure your peace of mind by making sure your biggest investment is safe, secure and well maintained. We provide thorough building and pest inspections conducted by fully qualified inspectors to give you an accurate idea about the state of the property.


Pest Inspection

Building Inspections Adelaide can provide you with a free quote on a professional inspection to ensure your home is free from timber pests. Fill in an enquiry form and our accredited building inspectors will provide you with a price on the spot.Our pest inspections identify threats to your property from termites, borers and wood rot, covering all areas of the dwelling including roof void and subfloor, if accessible.


Pre Purchase Inspection

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Vendor Inspection

Are you planning on selling your home?
Then you will need to book in for a pre-sale inspection before you put your property on the market. Why? Because by having an expert come to look at your home, you can be notified of any structural or pest issues before you enter the selling process. This will allow you to fix any problems before you list your home for sale, ensuring a possible sale isn’t held up by any unwanted delays.


Contact Us Today!

To create informative reports, from the roof down by offering reliable and professional building inspection services, that meet specific needs.